The forces of Chaos muster under a new banner as the Black Legion prepares for its next assault against the Emperor’s domain and anyone who dares question their supremacy. A new Warlord will soon take command of the Black Legion into an unexplored front of battle, now renewed in zeal and might thanks to the 10 new cards that will be joining the collection.
Would you like to see what this Reinforcement Drop will bring to the table? Some of your favourite content creators have joined us in giving you a first look beyond the veil! Join the premiere on:
Monday 15th
Tuesday 16th
- 3pm UTC: The Ecclesiarch on YouTube
Open your eyes and let the truth reveal itself to you! The release of this Reinforcement Drop will also be different from anything we have done before in the game. Stay tuned, for we will soon unveil how the new content will be released!