“We’ll be backs for more!”
– Boss Zagstruk
After more than two weeks of intense clashes in the far future, the first public demo of Warhammer 40.000: Warpforge has ended. Thank you very much for taking part in this first showing of the game. We hope you enjoyed your battles in the grim darkness!
Another thank you to those that took the time to share their feedback both on social media and using the in-game feedback form. We have been able to gather lots of useful comments and suggestions and will make use of them to improve and balance the game and make it feel better.
We will also make other adjustments based on the data that we gathered during the demo, and wanted to share a few curious tidbits with all of you.
Between practice and multiplayer matches, the Goff Orks were the most favoured faction, averaging a 54.5% winrate across the board. The Ultramarines were still able to hold their feet, with a 48.5% winrate. The turn order made a sizeable impact. Players who went first had an average winrate of 59%. This is one of the key points that we will adjust before the next public demo.
Interestingly, the Ultramarines were the most popular faction. Players chose to embody the heroes of the Ultramarines in 55% of the matches, while the cunning brutality of the Goff warbosses was only let loose in 45% of them.
If we look at particular characters we see a similar trend. Boss Zagstruk became the most successful Warlord during the demo, achieving a 57% winrate, yet he was the least popular character with only 9% of played matches. On the other hand, Uriel Ventris was the worst performing Warlord of the demo with only a 44% winrate, but he was also the second most popular warlord, after Varro Tigurius (with 20% and 22% use rate respectively)
Using this in combination with other data points, we will be able to adjust the power level of both of these factions and the ones that will be introduced moving forward.
Even the toughest heroes need some respite between battles. We hope to see you take command of the greatest warriors of the Warhammer 40,000 universe in the next Warpforge demo! Stay tuned for more details!