Another season comes to an end, with the new ranked system bringing more diversity to the ladder than ever before. The Ultramarines received a well deserved nerf last season, but the changes seem to have punished them excessively. This balance update focuses on improving the performance of the sons of Guilliman, while tuning down the most oppressive strategies across the rest of the factions.
This update will go live soon. Be prepared by taking a look at the complete list of changes:

- Battlefield Supremacy: Lower cost from 5 to 4
- Forward Deployment: Change description to ‘Give Flank, +1 Melee and +1 Ranged Attack to a friendly troop‘ (add +1 Ranged)
- Hellblaster: Increase Ranged Attack from 4 to 5
- Desolation Marine: Increase Ranged Attack from 5 to 6
- Gather the Company: Lower cost from 6 to 5 and change description to ‘Draw 3 cards. For every Infantry drawn, refill 1 Energy‘ (instead of refilling for every troop drawn)
- Assault Centurion: Increase Ranged Attack from 4 to 5
Black Legion
- Litany of Despair (Ghallaron’s talent): Change description to: ‘Ephemeral. Give Vulnerable 2 to an enemy troop and ‘Backlash: Give a Dark Pact to a random enemy troop‘
Adepta Sororitas
- Lead the Righteous (Junith Eruita’s talent): Change description to: ‘Ephemeral. Deploy a Battle Sister. (5F) Deploy 2 Battle Sisters‘ (Increased Faith ability cost from 4 to 5)
- Disruption Blades: Change description to: ‘Give +1 Melee Attack to your units this turn, or +3 Melee if they are Destroyer’ (down from +2 Melee to all units)
Goff Orks
- Grizzled Skarboy: Change description to: ‘Give Armour 1 to your Warlord, plus +1 Health for each damaged enemy‘ (down from +2 Health)
- Tankbusta: Change description to: ‘Blast 2. Rally: Deal 4 damage to a random enemy Vehicle‘
- Big Shoota Boy: Add ‘Mob: Deal 1 damage to two random enemies‘
Genestealer Cults
- Rampant Infestation: Increase cost from 6 to 7
These changes will be implemented in the game soon. Adapt your decks and strategies and reign supreme in a new meta! Good luck on the battlefields, commander.